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Saturday 24 December 2011


Hope everyone is enjoying their time off work and settling down ready for Christmas doing the last bits of wrapping or tidying up in our case. We are organised, we were actually organised a couple of weeks ago, everything wrapped, under the tree. Sacks filled, decorations up etc. 

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and I will see you lot in the New Year!!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

what I've been up instagram

I've fallen a little behind with my Christmas posts each day so while I sort these out and get them updated to here this is what I've been up to recently. I have been ill a couple of days aswell but photos of that are not very attractive!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Tuesday 13 December 2011

50 IN 500

 Time for an update on my list.... I love it when I am able to cross things off yay! To have a look at my first post of 50 in 500 click here

1. Stop being ill - I hate it and it's the most important
2. Get my puglet
3. Enjoy every minute of our USA trip
4. Make a journal for the trip
5. Collect post cards from every state we visit
6. Move in to our house
7. Sort out the drive way
8. Open the kitchen and lounge in to open plan
9. Interior design :)
10. Quit my job
11. Make more friends
12. Make more friends in the blogging world
13. My peony tattoo
14. My photography tattoo
15. Purchase a real xmas tree
16. Shoot in a pumpkin patch
17. Visit Black Bush Market
18. Go to a xmas market
19. Visit Alton Towers
20. Watch amazing fire works
21. Toast marshmellows over a fire
22. Be taken for a fancy pants meal
23. Make time to draw more
24. Make time to catch up on scrap booking
25. Make my scrap book for USA
26. Spend more time with friends
27. Take the husband to get a tattoo
28. Clean a lot more
29. Get my nails sorted
30. Get more UV rays so i'm not ill over the winter
31. Start running 3 times a week
32. Loose a stone
33. Learn to bake
34. Learn to crochet
35. Learn to play piano (even if it's just a little)
36. Enjoy Christmas more than usual
37. Make more of an effort with my family
38. Start watching West Wing!
39. Finish watching OC
40. Finish watching True Blood, season 3
41. Drink more water
42. At least sit through one WW meeting
43. Update my Iphone
44. Watch a baseball game
45. Watch a american football game
46. Make my life more tidy
47. Organisation is the key
48. Make an effort to wear make up haha
49. Design an arm piece tattoo
50. Dye my hair a different colour

Oh wow I actually crossed off more than I thought I would...

17 & 18 We did in the same day, 2 weekends ago :) We spent a fortune shopping at both.

26 One of my best friends has recently got together with one of my husbands friends which is great as we get to double date and do lots of fun things together now.

30 I have been going on sun beds for a couple of minutes a week to try and trick my body in to not thinking it's winter...touch wood it's working so far :)

48 I have splurged out on some new make up, including foundation which is amazing - so cheap as well. If anyone is interested its collection 2000 lasting perfection. I've also got a couple of liquid eyeliners, mascara and lipstick.

50 I actually never thought I would get round to dying my hair a different colour, at the moment though its a deep red and I am liking it!

13th December

Monday 12 December 2011


My bestest friend is travelling at the moment, well if you can really call it that,
she's just having an amazing time in New Zealand and I miss her. I didn't think
I would miss her that much because shes travelled before but with the time difference
it's quite hard to hold a GOOD conversation without one of us being half asleep or
on the way to work etc.

I made her dress up as a funky bride for a photo shoot for me and i've
just found these images on my PC so I thought I would post them.

Hurry home Kirsty or pay for me to visit!

what I've been up instagram

These iphone pictures are really pixelated so I can't make them any bigger. This weekend we got up to quite a bit, had friends round on Saturday night and then on Sunday went to Essex to visit Lakeside shopping center which is massive.

putting up christmas tree. largest subway drink ever.
sweets and smiles. bruce. 
the book that keeps me going at work.
fraps. fringes. new lipgloss

12th December

Friday 9 December 2011

9th December

Designing a new tattoo :)

I'm currently trying to design my thigh piece. I have actually promised my mum that I won't get another tattoo for a couple of months and it has been just over a month since my last after Christmas I will get myself booked in for my thigh.

My husband has agreed to pay for my first sitting because I bought him a yo yo...pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

On to my design, I wanted something to do with fairs. I thought about a Carousel horse and then I decided on actually getting a Carousel tattoo'd. I've sent the design off to my artist so I am just waiting on hearing back with changes. I also what it put into a cameo style frame.

I'm guessing it's going to take a long time eeeeek!

Monday 5 December 2011

Quick catch up with instagram

Christmas market shopping. 
Sister in law's next door neighbours Christmas decorations haha. 
Prezzo pizza. 
New coat with ears.
Secret santa gift (snitch)

5th December

Meet Bruce

 This is Bruce, my brother and his girlfriends 7 week old bulldog puppy. I am in love!

Thursday 1 December 2011

1st December

Like i've said before usually I am a bit of a scrooge around Christmas so each day I have decided to blog something I am grateful for around the Christmas period!
What better way to do it than like an advent calendar so for each day up until Christmas there will be some thing here that I am thankful for.

Starting off with my husband. I won't do this for every post but this past year has probably been one of my worst and with out him and his support I am not sure what I would of done.

I love him to the moon and back.

my photography....

By trade I am actually an estate agent, working towards being a full time photographer. This year (2011) has been my first year of weddings and it was a whole lot of fun, very tiring and very useful! I learnt so much from shooting all my wedding this year and I met some great people. My summer was so busy, I shot at least 2 weddings a month over the summer months as well as working a full time job! Extremely tiring.

Since then I've lost my mojo of taking photos for fun! I can't remember the last time I took my camera out to take photos for myself and my enjoyment. I must do this more! I also slightly blame instagram and my iphone. Damn you apple.

I have decided for my USA trip that my SLR will not be coming with me, after umming and arring for a loooonggg time about whether to take it I have decided against it due to the fact that we will not be staying in the nicest of hotels, we will be spending a lot of time wondering and my gear is heavy and too valuable to take. I won't enjoy myself as much as I will be too worried where my camera is etc. Although my wonderful mum is buying me a great digital camera to take with us instead :)

Wednesday 30 November 2011



Obsessing over: Bruce. My brother's new 7 week old bulldog puppy! He is the cutest but his poo does stink...real bad.

Working on: My friends Christmas present, we don't have much money this year so I thought I would make part of it :)

Thinking about: Christmas, started wrapping my husbands Christmas gifts last night, I have managed just over half a sack so far with more to go... we really spoil each other at Christmas.

Anticipating:'s getting closer and closer. There is still quite a bit to organise and get sorted gulp!

Listening to: Now that's what they call Disney. I've just downloaded this album to my phone, it's a little addictive. I like to try and guess what films the songs are from as soon as they start playing.

Drinking: Nothing. I have had some water this morning though. 

Wishing: That today would go nice and quick. Work is boring and dragging and there are much better things I could be doing with my time :)

Monday 28 November 2011


WHAT I'VE BEEN UP TO LATELY....IN PICS warning picture heavy!

fun iphone apps. lunch time drinks. snuggle time with my husband. 
rose painted nails. sunbeds. parcels from hongkong. warm hats. 
cricket jumpers. nikon baby. gingerbread latte. xmas market. 
xmas jumper. hair dying. 
car trips with my husband. 

Monday 21 November 2011

my weekend in iphone pics!

my nail pens. new camera app. usa poster. 
chinese. jasmine tea. cocktails. giraffe jumper. owl necklace