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Tuesday, 31 January 2012


WE are now on countdown :) well I have decided that we are now on countdown anyway. 

Still not completely organised for our trip, we still have a few last bit's to tie up and hotels and routes to sort out but that's pretty much it. So maybe it's time to let you guys know the route of our trip and where we are visiting. ;)

We will try and document our trip from this blog as much as possible, possible being what the wifi is like in places we visit. I am so excited and can not wait to get away for 3 months. 3 months of no work, sounds amazing!

I will put a side button and attach all of our trip updates so everyone can have a good read. If you have any suggestions of what to see or do. PLEASE let me know :)

So this is our basic route, we are going round in a circle and covering a lot of miles mostly in an SUV that we are hiring. The first leg of our trip that is missing on the right of the map includes, Washington DC, Philly and New York. We will be travelling to these places by greyhound!  I will do another update soon with a bigger map and more details on the places we are visiting! x

Monday, 30 January 2012

i love him


I am not that clever when it comes to blog design, to be honest, i am actually clueless which is strange because back in the day when I used myspace A LOT I could quite easily create my page in HTML from scratch, over the years my brain has let me forget this and now looking at really just looks like a bunch of mixed up characters.

I have actually managed to mess up my photo size on this blog which now only seems to fit in my instagram photos off of my iphone. So I do apologise that my blog has not been full of yummyness, once I work out how to change this I will again post some yummy photos of trips etc.

I really need to get this sorted by the time we leave for travelling though! We are on countdown now and it's like 60 days! OH MY!

If any one out there is a guru with HTML, PLEASE help me! Thanks :) x

January catch up

With iPhone photos

Friday, 27 January 2012


I wanted some new stationary for my DIY travel journal that I will be making and taking with me travelling so I took a trip to Ryman during my lunch break to pick up some bits and pieces. I'm such a geek I get so excited by stationary and mini things such as post it's and mini staples yay!

Anyway as I was walking to the shop
I always take a short cut through an alleyway which leads into an area of nightclubs before reaching the high street ... I stopped in awe of this amazing artwork on one of the walls.

It's bloody brilliant!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

My ship :)

I got another tattoo, slight obsession with collecting them at the moment. I'd wanted a ship for a while and I had seen a little one that that my tattooist had done on someone else already.

Andy was getting more of his arm done so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to steal his thunder and get mine at the same time.

I decided on a whim to get it on the back of my neck and I told him to make it a female ship by adding a heart haha.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Nursing Mr Radcliffe

He has caught a sickness bug so our plans to visit family in Manchester this weekend have been scrapped and we are currently having a duvet day.

We started off with a 24 marathon which I am addicted too but now he has fallen asleep so I can't watch anymore.

I'm hungry and hoping that I don't pick up the bug. Trying not to move too much as to wake him. Zzz bored!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! X

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Urgh. I really dislike the gym when I am not there and I quite like it when I am there. I'm desperately trying to loose some weight for our America trip!

I really struggle to loose weight, it's not fair as its so easy to put on! I am goin to keep at it though. Even though I look like a sweaty mess!

Monday, 16 January 2012

USA :)

For one of Andrews Christmas presents I made him a book all about our trip around America.

I included all our reservations for hotels, theme parks, a copy of our flight information and tickets for greyhound.

I made some lists of things we had to do, buy, eat etc and included photos of things we are going to be visiting as well as a map with our trip listed out.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sundays are boring

Andy is at football and then spending time with friends, we are saving so I have nothing to do, currently laid on the sofa watching Harry Potter. Will make an effort to go to the gym later as I have weight watchers on Tuesday and desperately want to shift some weight! Wish me luck!

Friday, 6 January 2012

30 day photo challenge for January :)

I actually started a 365 project at the start of 2011 using my Nikon and attempting to edit every image, I failed haha but if any one is interested I uploaded what I did here. Looking back some were reasonbly good and some were awful. So now it's 2012 and I have my trusty iphone, I am having a little break from my photography business (not turning away business though nudge nudge) and have decided to give the 365 a go again but on my phone instead. The photo a day challenge from Fat Mum Slim is a great way for me to get back in to the swing of things.

day 1

day 2

day 3
day 4 has gone MIA
day 5

day 6

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Two thousand and eleven's best bits.

After reading I love you to the moon I decided to be a little bit cheeky and do my own favourite things post from 2011.

We celebrated our one year wedding anniversary with a trip to Cornwall
Our baby nephew Kairyn was born.

I got tattoo'd 5 times in 2011
I treated myself to a rather expensive pair of glasses.
Andy met his dad and many brothers and sisters he didn't know he had.

We also met our baby niece Maya Lee

We bought a boat.
We ate a LOT of good food
We bought our first house
We  took a much need vacation to Spain
My brother bought home a puppy.
Not bad at all...... for 2011.